
Monday, 8 October 2012

[WIP] A Red Poppy for A Challenge

A challenge from Spoonful Magazine; a flowers to be interpreted individually. I am happy that I got the red poppy to work on and happier still that at this season I was able to find the specimen in the wild.

The red poppy is
a symbol of Remembrance. The first and the simplest idea that came to my mind was just personifying it with a gesture of remembering. I made a quick sketch to have the proper gesture for the poppy while imaging a fuzzy watercolour washes to represent a flow of memories.

Starting to paint it this afternoon, I was not sure how detailed I have to work it on and I am still wondering how to have the detailed-botanical look and the fuzzy washes in harmony. Any suggestion?


  1. Sorry I can't help Eunike, but I'm sure the result will be lovely. Best of luck. :)

  2. mba, sy sering melihat para artist men-sketch menggunakan pensil warna. apa bedanya jika pake pensil biasa? pensil jenis apa yg yg bisa mba rekomendasikan? makasih atas waktu dan perhatiannya :)

  3. Hey keke, keren amat yah watercolor artnya! menurut gw sih warnanya masi monotone gitu yah, kalo dicampur dikit biru sebagai 'ambient reflection/sky light reflection' di bagian midtonenya mgk akan terasa lebih dinamis warnanya..

    but well that's just personal opinion, glad too see you're back being an artist haha...

  4. Thank you, Hedera :) I wish the same. Cheers.

    @Perduliar, ga ada rekomendasi khusus, disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan alat yang ada. biasanya aku menyeketsa pakai pensil biasa. Pakai watercolour pencil kalau mau dicat air, jadi ga perlu dihapus, sketsa sudah larut ketika dibasahi.

  5. @Elte, Makasih sarannya. Tapi susah untuk warna manual begini :p Ini merahnya kekuningan, kalau ketemu biru bakal kotor hasilnya (cat air khan transparan). Mungkin bisa kalau merahnya jenis yang lain dan direncanakan sebelumnya :p

    Thanks anyway! Yes, finally I am back doing art again and very happy I did it :D

  6. kl boleh tahu, mba eunike sendiri pake pensil watercolor apa? kan sudah terbukti hasilnya yg memuaskan :)

  7. @perduliar, terus terang aku cuma pake pensil seadanya yang dibeli dahulu kala, bukan khusus untuk melukis. Merk staedler luna dan derwent.

  8. makasih mba atas infonya. maaf jadi kebanyakan nanya :)


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