
Tuesday, 29 January 2013

[SKETCHBOOK] Gembira Loka Zoo

Yesterday, I had fun with some friends of Indonesia's Sketcher for visiting a local zoo in Yogyakarta and having live sketches of animals and plant. It was great to practise drawing live animals that kept moving and changing, a good challenge for someone who usually paint a still plant indoor.


  1. Are these peanuts hanging from the tree?AriadnefromGreece!

  2. @Ariadne: It's a sausage tree (Kigelia pinnata). The fruits were about 30-50 cm long.
    You can read about the tree at

  3. mba eunike mau tanya, sketchbook nya bs dipakai watercoloran ya? merk apa dan bs didapat dimana mba ? thanks a lot :)

  4. @maria utee, maaf baru balas. Buku sketsa yang saya pakai di halaman ini merk moleskine. Dulu saya pernah lihat dijual di TB Gramedia yang besar. Atau jika sulit didapat, coba belanja online di ebay/amazon.


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