Before I painted them, I compared the petals' colours side by side with my radial colour charts/wheels. I singled out the closest colours by rotating them out from the stacks.
The new paints I used:
1. Daniel Smith Quinacridone Red for the red splotch of white round petal (see the middle left petal in the final work).
2. W&N Red Deep for the colour mix of the middle bottom red petal. It has a wide tonal range and spread in wetted area smoothly.
3. W&N Scarlet Lake for the colour mix of the reddish-orange petal in the center. A very vibrant colour!
4. W&N Quinacridone Magenta
5. W&N Permanent Magenta.
Sadly, I failed to digitalise the painting :( I tried to scan it several times but the vibrant reds kept losing the details and made ugly, uneven gradations. This is what I can share from my camera. Enjoy! :)